Temas selectos de inglés 1

  • ISBN: 9786075505879
  • Autor: Paula Flores Kastanis
  • Idioma:
Detalles de libro:
DGB Subsistema
5o.Semestre Bachillerato Semestre
2020 Año de publicación


The purpose of this book is to help the teachers develop the syllabus designed for the subject it is named after, which is part of the curriculum offered in the first half of the third and last year of the English program at the pre-university level.

In 2018, the High School Program (Educación Media Superior) was updated to comply with its essential purpose, which is promotig in the students the development of a first personal and social synthesis prior to their access to higher education, as well as providing an understanding of their society, preparing them for a possible job. The inclusion of two six-credit additional courses in the last year is part of this update that belongs to the Communication disciplinary area, as Preparation Components. Each course is to be given in 48 class hours.

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